Children in the Streets Need Your Donation

With your donations more than 100 street connected children receive food, education and various services based on their needs.


Education for Better Parenting 

A Guideline about positive parenting that every parent should read

Schools during COVID 19 Pandemic

A practical guideline for educational institutions how to manage education process during pandemic

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Lela’s new profession - Embarking on a journey in social work

Lela Gogoladze is a social worker and one of the active participants from Borjomi Municipality who successfully completed the training Child protection and advanced her knowledge in the field, which she can apply in practice to better address the problems and needs of vulnerable children and families in her region. “Working in this field was so exciting for me, that it has become my new profession. I love my job, it brings a sense of fulfilment and motivation to my professional life. My passion and desire to help the most vulnerable children and families, especially those who are not integrated into the community and require support to become self-sustained and resilient, led me to a life-changing experience. We, social workers, help others overcome various challenges and make a positive impact on people's lives ”, - Lela Gogoladze. 

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15 July
Within the "ERTAD" project, a team of master trainers was created and trained to promote the implementation of the UPG approach to poverty alleviation.

40 master trainers were trained by the Knowledge Hub within the project “ERTAD - Empowerment, Resilience, Transformation, and Development.” Participants of the master training were selected from the Social Services Agency, State Care and Trafficking Victims Assistance Agency, State Employment Promotion Agency, as well as mentors from the Danish Refugee Council and facilitators from World Vision Georgia.
The trainings were held from July 6 to 13 and covered the following topics: introductory operational principles of UPG (Ultra-Poor Graduation), training of trainers methodology and approaches, and a thematic in-depth course on various priority areas, including social protection, social empowerment, entrepreneurship, and financial literacy.

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25 June
Advancing the professional education of key specialists working in child welfare sector

With the support of the Austrian Development Agency, World Vision Georgia continues to advance the professional education of key specialists, whose work is essential for ensuring the well-being of children in the country.

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13 June
The EU-supported youth social entrepreneurship grant competition

With EU support World Vision Georgia is thrilled to announce the launch of a competition for youth passionate about social entrepreneurship under the EU-funded SKYENET project. This project is not just about funding; it's about empowering youth to make a real difference in their communities. We aim to train selected young individuals in social entrepreneurship and fund the most promising business initiatives that can positively impact the communities.

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